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#11: Why Infrared Saunas are the Secret to Longevity

Let’sface it—life’s not slowing down anytime soon, and your body feels it. The latenights, the stress, the endless grind. But what if I told you there’s a way tonot only hit pause but actually reverse the effects of all that wear and tear?Enter the infrared sauna, where detox meets deep relaxation, and your wellnessroutine gets a serious upgrade. If you’ve ever wondered why pro athletes,high-performers, and wellness aficionados swear by these, buckle up—we’re aboutto dive into the why and the how of harnessing the power of infraredheat.

Spoileralert: This is not your average sauna.

Infrared Sauna vs. RegularSauna: What’s the Deal?

Beforewe get into the real magic of infrared, let’s talk basics. Traditional saunas,the kind you probably imagine at a spa or gym, heat the air around you to asteamy 150-195°F. Sure, you sweat, but you’re mainly relying on the ambientheat.

Infraredsaunas? Whole different ballgame. These beauties use infrared light to directlyheat your body from the inside out, while keeping the room’s temperature muchcooler—around 120-150°F. But don’t let that fool you. The heat penetrates waydeeper into your skin, down to a cellular level, triggering a more effectivesweat and detox. Science even backs it up—infrared heat can dive about 1.5inches into your body, boosting blood circulation and stimulating a detoxresponse that regular saunas can only dream of.

Ourclient Mike, a regular gym-goer, had been using traditional saunas for years.He tried infrared once and was hooked. He couldn’t believe how much moreintense the detox felt, even though the room wasn’t as hot. “It’s like my bodygot a reboot,” he told us after his first few sessions.

The Why: Benefits You Can’tIgnore

Alright,so why exactly are infrared saunas a game-changer for your wellness? Let’sbreak it down.

1.Detox Like You Mean It

Ifthere’s one thing you’re going to get from infrared saunas, it’s a seriousdetox. We're not talking about a little sweat—we’re talking about removingheavy metals like mercury and lead, along with other toxins that like to hangout in your body. I had a client, Sarah, who felt like she’d hit a wall—herenergy was low, and her skin had lost its glow. A few weeks of infrared saunatherapy, and she felt like a new person. “I didn’t realize how much I needed todetox until I felt the difference,” she said. That’s the kind of deep cleanseyou can’t get anywhere else.

2. BoostYour Circulation (and Your Heart Health)

Oneof the lesser-known perks of infrared saunas is how they supercharge yourcirculation. When that deep heat gets into your cells, it kicks your blood flowinto high gear, which means better cardiovascular health. One study from JAMA Internal Medicine even showed thatregular sauna users had a significantly lower risk of heart disease. Rachel,another client of ours, noticed her energy levels skyrocket after incorporatinginfrared sessions into her weekly routine. “It’s like my body just functionsbetter,” she said. And who doesn’t want that?

3.Next-Level Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery

Whetheryou’re hitting the gym hard or just battling the aches and pains of everydaylife, infrared saunas offer relief that regular heat just can’t touch. Thatdeep, penetrating warmth reduces inflammation, soothes sore muscles, and evenhelps with conditions like arthritis. One of our pro athlete clients came inskeptical—he thought a sauna was just a sauna. Now he’s a regular, raving abouthow it’s sped up his recovery time. The heat works deep into your muscles,helping you bounce back faster than a regular sauna ever could.

4. GetYour Glow On

Let’stalk skin. Infrared saunas boost collagen production and clear out your pores, givingyou that glow-up we all crave. One bride-to-be, Jessica, started regularsessions a month before her wedding. Her skin? Flawless. She walked down theaisle with radiant, glowing skin, and the infrared sauna was her secret weapon.So, if you’re looking for clearer, more vibrant skin—this is your goldenticket.

5.Stress? What Stress?

Finally,the mental health benefits of infrared saunas are nothing short of amazing.They reduce cortisol levels (that pesky stress hormone) and help you deeplyrelax. Jenna, a mom of three and a business owner, told us, “My infrared saunasessions are my sanctuary. It’s the one place I can unplug, unwind, and reset.”Plus, regular use can improve sleep quality, which is just icing on the cake.

Ready to Take the Plunge?Here’s How to Get Started

Ifyou’re new to infrared saunas, here’s how to maximize your first session andget the most out of that deep heat.

  • Hydration is Key: Infrared saunas make you sweat like crazy, so drink plenty of waterbefore, during, and after your session. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.
  • Ease Into It: Start slow— you don’t need to break any records! As you get more usedto it, you can go for longer sessions.
  • Less is More (Clothing, That Is): In the sauna, lighter is better. Mostpeople prefer wearing minimal clothing, or even just a towel, to allow the heatto really penetrate the skin.
  • Breathe Deeply and Relax: That first session might feel intense, but focuson your breathing. The more you relax, the more benefits you’ll feel.

How Often Should You Sauna?

Ifyou’re just starting out, we recommend 2-3 sessions per week to let your bodyadjust. Once you’re a pro, you can up it to 3-4 times a week. Some of ourclients (yes, you, Sarah) love it so much they’re here every day. And there’sscience to back that up: regular infrared sauna use can actually lower yourrisk of heart disease by 40%. Who knew relaxation could be so good for you?

The Final Word: Your WellnessRoutine Just Got Hotter

Infraredsaunas are not just about relaxation—they’re about deep detox, muscle recovery,better skin, and improving your overall health. At Altered States Wellness,we’re all about helping you live your best, healthiest life, and infraredsaunas are a powerful tool to get you there.

So,what are you waiting for? Book a session and feel the difference for yourself.Your body—and your mind—will thank you.

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*We are not medical professionals, and the information provided in this blog and podcast is for informational purposes only. Wellness practices mentioned should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your health.

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