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#5: Float Like a Pro: Best Practices to Enhance Your Float Sessions

Whether you’re dipping your toes into the float tank for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, today we’re diving (pun totally intended) into the best practices for your float session. We're covering everything you need to know: from preparing for your session and tips for your arrival to post-float exercises that help maintain the benefits. Ready? Let’s do this!

Real quick, we made an awesome freebie for you called your Float Therapy Toolkit. This resource helps you implement everything we are about to review below. Click here to download it now. Trust us, its a customer favorite!

Before You Arrive for Your Float Session

  • Hydration and Diet: First things first—let’s talk hydration and diet. Floating is all about feeling light and serene, so chugging a gallon of water or downing a double cheeseburger right before your session isn’t the best idea. Stay hydrated throughout the day, but ease up on the liquids about an hour before your float. Aim for a light, balanced meal like a salad with some lean protein or a refreshing smoothie a couple of hours before you float. Think crisp greens, juicy fruits, and maybe a sprinkle of nuts for that extra crunch.
  • Why? Because the key to a blissful float is feeling neither too full nor too hungry. You want your body to be in a state of contentment, ready to embrace the buoyant embrace of the float tank.
  • Mental Preparation: Float time is your time, so set an intention. Whether it’s relaxation, gaining clarity, or just a little stress relief, spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to achieve. Positive affirmations can set the tone—try something like “I am worthy,” “I release all tension and embrace a state of deep relaxation,” or “I am calm and centered.” Got a big game or presentation coming up? Visualize nailing it! Imagine yourself in the float tank, every muscle relaxing, your mind clearing, and your goals coming into sharp focus.
  • Personal Care Tips: For the love of all things serene, avoid shaving or waxing the day of your float to prevent skin irritation. Trust me, your skin will thank you! There’s nothing worse than hopping into that salty oasis only to feel the sting of a fresh shave. Skip your afternoon coffee to help your body truly relax and embrace the zen. Caffeine can be a sneaky little gremlin, keeping your mind buzzing when all you want is peace. Instead, opt for a calming herbal tea in the morning to set the tone for your float day.

After You Arrive for Your Float Session

  • Pre-Float Stretches: Now that you’re at the studio, it’s time to loosen up. Gentle yoga or stretches like forward bends and shoulder rolls can do wonders. You want your body to feel as relaxed as possible before you float. Stretch out those limbs, roll your shoulders, and maybe even do a little wiggle dance. Your muscles will thank you, and you’ll be primed for a deeper relaxation experience.
  • Set Yourself Up: Make sure you’ve got a towel nearby, use those Vitamin A&D packets if needed, and grab the neck noodle for extra comfort. Turn off your phone—seriously, you’re here to unplug! Double-check that you have everything you need. The last thing you want is to be mid-float and realize you left something crucial behind. This is your time to unwind, so take a deep breath, get organized, and prepare to let go.

During Your Float Session

  • Finding Your Ideal Position: Experiment with different floating positions to find what feels best. Arms at your sides? Above your head? Try them out and see what brings you the most peace. Some people find that having their arms above their head helps open up their chest and lungs for deeper breathing, while others prefer the grounded feeling of arms at their sides. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.
  • Breathing Techniques: Deep belly breathing is your best friend here. Practice some deep breathing exercises to help your body sink into relaxation. Ever heard of box breathing? Inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold for four. Repeat and feel the calm wash over you. This technique helps regulate your nervous system and brings a profound sense of calm and balance. Let each breath be a wave of relaxation, washing over you, cleansing your mind and body.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Practices: Remember that intention you set? Keep it in mind. Visualize a peaceful scene—maybe a serene beach, a lush forest, or a tranquil mountain lake. When your mind starts to wander (because it will), gently bring your focus back to your breathing. Picture each breath as a soft, soothing wave that brings you closer to your intention. If your mind starts chattering, acknowledge it kindly and return to your breath. This is your sacred float space; fill it with calm and peace.
  • Dealing with Distractions: If pesky thoughts or external noises try to intrude, use affirmations or mantras like “I am calm” or “I am relaxed” to maintain your focus. Imagine these distractions as clouds passing in the sky—acknowledge them and let them float away. You are the sky, vast and serene, and these thoughts are just temporary visitors. Embrace the stillness and allow yourself to drift into deeper relaxation.

After Your Float Session

  • Post-Float Relaxation: Don’t rush back to the hustle and bustle. Spend a few minutes in the lounge, sip on some kombucha, and reflect on your experience. Let the peace you’ve cultivated extend beyond the float tank. This transition time is crucial for integrating the benefits of your float. Enjoy the lingering calm, the feeling of lightness, and the clarity of mind.
  • Reflect on Your Experience: Grab a journal and jot down your thoughts and feelings. Did any strong emotions come up? Did you have any creative ideas or breakthroughs? How do you feel physically and mentally? Capture it all! This reflection can deepen your float practice and help you track your progress over time. Whether it’s a sentence, a paragraph, or a few doodles, let your post-float insights flow onto the page.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Rehydrate with some water or herbal tea and grab a light, nutritious snack to replenish your energy. Think fruits, nuts, or a light protein snack. Your body has just undergone a profound reset, and now it’s time to nourish it gently.
  • Integrating the Benefits: If you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious later on, close your eyes, practice your breathing, and bring your mind back to those positive visualizations. The more you float, the better it gets! Float therapy is a journey, and each session builds upon the last, deepening your relaxation and enhancing your overall well-being. Make floating a regular practice, and watch as the benefits ripple out into all areas of your life.

Download your Free Resource!

Alright, fabulous floaters, here’s the cherry on top of your float sundae—a FREE resource that’s going to make your float journey even smoother than you could ever imagine. We’ve put together a comprehensive Float Therapy Toolkit that’s jam-packed with all the best practices, prompts, and resources you need to maximize your float experience. Click here to download now. 

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*We are not medical professionals, and the information provided in this blog and podcast is for informational purposes only. Wellness practices mentioned should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your health.

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