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The Science Behind Cold Plunges: Why 39 Degrees Makes All the Difference

Let’s be honest—when we first heard about cold plunging, the thought of stepping into 39-degree water had us reaching for our cozy blankets. But before we brush it off as just another wellness trend, let’s dive into why that chilly 39-degree mark is actually a game-changer for both our bodies and minds.

Cold Plunges: The Coolest Way to Reset

So, what’s the buzz about cold plunges? Imagine this: stepping into a pool of crisp, cold water that’s just shy of freezing, and instantly feeling more alive and present. That’s what happens when we take a plunge at 39 degrees. But why exactly 39 degrees? Why not a more “comfortable” 50 degrees? Here’s where it gets interesting.

The magic of 39 degrees lies in its ability to trigger what we like to call the ultimate reset button. It’s that perfect point where our bodies go, “Whoa, something’s happening here!” and kick into high gear. We might not be diving into icy lakes, but this is about more than just a quick shock to the system.

The Sweet Spot: 39 Degrees vs. 50 Degrees

Not all cold plunges are created equal. While some places set their plunge pools at 50 degrees or higher, we’ve found that 39 degrees is where the real magic happens. At this temperature, our bodies have to work a little harder to adjust, and that extra effort brings about all those benefits we crave.

Think of it like this—when we plunge into 50-degree water, it’s cool, sure, but it doesn’t push us out of our comfort zone. At 39 degrees, we’re giving our bodies a challenge, and that’s where the transformation begins. It’s like the difference between a gentle jog and an all-out sprint; both are beneficial, but the sprint is where we really feel the burn (in the best way possible).

Building Up Your Cold Plunge Endurance

Now, let’s talk about that first plunge. If you’re anything like us, the first time you dip into 39-degree water, you might only last 30 seconds before scrambling to get out. And that’s totally okay!

Here’s the secret: the more we do it, the longer we’ll last. Just like building any muscle, we have to work our way up. Don’t get discouraged if you can only handle a short dip at first. Each time we plunge, our bodies adapt a little more, and before we know it, we’re staying in longer, feeling stronger, and reaping even more benefits. It’s all about progress, not perfection.

Why We Love 39 Degrees at Altered States Wellness

At Altered States Wellness, we’re all about creating experiences that challenge, rejuvenate, and empower us. Setting our cold plunge at 39 degrees is just one way we help you tap into your potential, both physically and mentally.

It’s not just about enduring the cold—it’s about embracing it, leaning into that discomfort, and coming out the other side feeling stronger and more alive. There’s something incredibly empowering about knowing we can conquer that cold.

So, next time you’re at Altered States Wellness, take the plunge. It might be a little (okay, a lot) chilly, but trust us, the benefits are so worth it.

Ready to embrace the chill? Your 39-degree plunge is waiting!

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